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”The most important thing is that you are passionate about the TR role and want to make a difference to your colleagues”

In November there will be union representatives election at Danske Bank. This means that now you have the chance to be more for your colleagues, while you receive training and personal development courses. Read interview with Mehrnoush Reinhold Bashiri, who became union representative two years ago – and why she recommends others to go along the same way.

7. okt. 2024
3 min

Two years ago, when Mehrnoush Reinhold Bashiri took on the role of union representative (TR) in Financing Business, it was with a desire to create better well-being and working conditions for colleagues.

She missed a link between and management and employees in daily life and a daily sounding board that the employees could go to. And with a union representatives election on the way just under three years ago, she wondered if she should stand.

”I spent a little time considering whether to run and came to the consideration that I could actually be good at it”.

”I have been really happy to be a union representative, so I can definitely recommend others to become one. Most important things are not your age or seniority at Danske Bank. The most important thing is that you are passionate about the TR role and wish to make a difference to your colleagues”.
- Mehrnoush Reinhold Bashiri, union representative in Financing Business

The years have passed and her concerns about being good enough for the office of union representative have been shamefully taken.

”I have always had much empathy and care for my colleagues and had a high degree of justice, and I can use those abilities to the fullest.”

As a union representative, she has been a support person in difficult talks, she is the link between management and employees, and she has been the employees' mouthpiece when matters like working from home, for example, have been discussed.

Mehrnoush Reinhold Bashiri

TR training is cool and valuable

But if you ask Mehrnoush what was the coolest thing about being TR, the answer is another:

“The coolest thing has definitely been that I have gained access to a lot of education through Finansforbundet. I have qualified my skills within areas such as conflict resolution and communication, and I have established a large network in the financial sector. I can use the tools from the training both in my TR-job and in my regular work”, she says.

As TR, you will be paid free to participate in training courses through Finansforbundet.

The most suprising thing about being TR

As a Union representative, you get access to management layers that you would not do without the TR cap on.

For Mehrnoush, this results in monthly meetings with management in her area.

”We have a talk about how the teams are doing. This gives me the opportunity to act proactively if there are any problems or challenges. But that also gives me unique access to management. If there are any specific disputes, I try to act on solution-oriented and provide constructive feedback, she says.

But the most surprising aspect is that:

”The approach of leaders to employee representatives varies so much. Some leaders are almost afraid of union representatives, while others use me actively and as a co-player”.

Mehrnoush is ready to take another turn as TR. And with a TR election on the way, it is obvious to ask if she can recommend others to stand as union representative. Mehrnoush was 35 years old and had been with Danske Bank for four years, as she became union representative.

”I have been really happy to be a union representative, so I can definitely recommend that. The most important things are not your age or seniority at Danske Bank. The most important thing is that you are passionate about the TR role and wish to make a difference to your colleagues”.

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