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Contact Finansforbundet

You are always welcome to contact Finansforbundet’s reception by calling our main number 32 96 46 00 or via the email address

Finansforbundet is a trade union for all employees in the financial sector. We have more than 56,000 members whom we support daily through negotiations, legal advice, networking, coaching, continuing education, and much more. You are always welcome to contact us.

Finansforbundet's contact information

Snorresgade 15
2300 København S

Tel.: 32 96 46 00

CVR 15320613

Finansforbundet's opening hours

Monday - Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Summer 
Friday 8.30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Member service has open phone lines daily from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Find an employee in Finansforbundet

If you are looking for a specific employee in Finansforbundet, you can find them via our Find People (Find Folk) page.

Find people

Press contact

You are free to contact our press officers:

Kristian Lind, Head of Communications, politics
32 66 14 81 / 61 20 42 14

Mai Weber Juul, Public Affairs Consultant 
32 66 14 15 / 20 83 68 79

Getting your colleague to join?

If you help us get a new member, you'll receive a gift card as a thank you.

Learn how