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Become a union representative

As a union representative you can make a difference for yourself, your colleagues and your workplace. Learn more about the role as a union representative.

Stories from the sector

Staying a step ahead

Sven thought union representative only played a role when a conflict arrived. Today, his perspective has completely changed and he's now an important link between people. Listen to Sven and hear, how the role has changed him both personally and professionally.

Three good reasons to become a union representative


Steep learning curve - both personally and professionally

As a union representative, you have to take responsibility, give advice, make decisions, be in dialogue with colleagues and decision makers, and you have to negotiate and mediate between management and your colleagues. All this is done in your capacity as a union representative, both professionally and personally.


You will be part of a strong professional community.

You will contribute to the development of your workplace, and you will have a much larger sphere of contact in your company. You also get a large network across your own organisation and across companies within the sector. An invaluable network that you can draw on both professionally and personally.


You get access to boosting your career.

With your training and experience as a union representative behind you, you will fundamentally sharpen your skills professionally and personally. Amongst other things, you become a stronger communicator with a greater personal impact. This can enhance your career if you want it to.

Shatter the myths

Myth quiz

Are you one of the people who think that union representatives only deal with conflict and holiday rules? Actually, it is mostly about dialogue and communication at eye level. Try the quiz

Try the quiz
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What will you achieve as a union representative?

As a union representative, you will have ample opportunity to develop personally and professionally, and to expand your CV.

You will be able to

  • Exert influence
  • Be a person your colleagues turn to
  • Be closely involved in the big decisions
  • Be trained in leadership
  • Develop and boost your career
  • Get access to completely new networks
  • Train your negotiation skill

The qualifications and experience you gain as a union representative are in high demand in the labour market, both within and outside the financial sector. Your experience as a union representative will thus be a major asset in your future career. If you develop a real passion for union work, there are great opportunities to build a career in Finansforbundet.

What qualifications do you need to have?

Although there are no formal requirements, you should be keen to

  • Find good solutions
  • Be closely involved in decision-making
  • Get cooperation to work
What are the tasks of a union representative?

What are the tasks of a union representative?

Your tasks include

  • Building bridges between employees and management
  • Contributing to psychosocial well-being at the workplace
  • Supporting your colleagues in discussions with management
  • Cooperating with management on personnel matters
  • Serving as a sounding board for management
  • Negotiating terms and conditions

The union representative is a coach and negotiator
The modern union representative’s role is to be a coach and negotiator As a union representative, you will build bridges between employees and management in order to ensure a good working atmosphere. This is a matter of creating good relationships with both colleagues and management, laying the foundation for sound cooperation. More and more terms and conditions are negotiated and agreed out in the individual companies, where the union representative also plays an important role as negotiator.

Do you need to be trained as a union representative?

Finansforbundet will support you, and you will be trained to tackle the challenges you will meet. The union representative training will earn you ECTS credits, which you can build on later. The training will cover such topics as:

  • Negotiation skills
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Employment law
  • Understanding collective agreements

Working as a union representative may seem a bit like a management job, but obviously you are primarily your colleagues’ representative.

How will you get the time to serve as a union representative?

There is no doubt that union representative tasks take time. And you can be sure that this time will be available.

You are entitled to full pay while you take Finansforbundet’s union representative training. You are also entitled to be allowed time for your union representative duties during working hours. This is laid down in the collective agreement.

Do you have special protection as a union representative?

A union representative must be free to voice his or her opinion and to challenge the management. For this reason, union representatives are given special protection. This means that a union representative may not be dismissed by the employer, unless there are compelling reasons to do so.

Will your career come to a standstill if you become a union representative?

On the contrary, you can make active use of the union representative training, and the experience you gain, in your ongoing career. As a union representative, you will be required to take responsibility, take decisions, engage in dialogue with decision makers, and negotiate and mediate between managers and colleagues. These are skills and qualifications that are in high demand in the labour market – both within and outside the financial sector. Once you have gained a footing in the system, there are ample opportunities for a career in Finansforbundet.

Which conditions do you need to fulfil to become a union representative?

You need to fulfil certain formal conditions to be eligible for election as a union representative:

  • You must be a member of Finansforbundet
  • At the time of the election, you must have been employed for at least one year at your workplace
  • You may not be a department manager
  • You may not have received notice of termination
  • You may not be a trainee
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Get in touch

Do you want to know more?

+45 32 96 46 00

You are welcome to contact Finansforbundet’s hotline for union representatives if you have any questions or want to know more about how to become a union representative.