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Job satisfaction

A partnership can be a way to work with job satisfaction at the workplace and prevent stress or dissatisfaction. We take your situation as our starting point, examine your needs and design a process that is specifically tailored to you.

  • Example of job satisfaction process

  • The situation

    You want to work with your job satisfaction with us

    The situation

    You want to work with your job satisfaction with us

    You have made some considerations in relation to job satisfaction, busyness, stress, motivation or well-being in one or more departments and want to work with your considerations more.

  • Work meeting

    We hold an introductory meeting

    Work meeting

    We hold an introductory meeting

    We hold an initial work meeting with you where we turn your needs, goals and expectations into a collaboration.

  • Presentation meeting

    Options, efforts and activities

    Presentation meeting

    Options, efforts and activities

    We present various options for how you can work with job satisfaction and solve the challenges. You are the one who internally decides which specific activities meet your needs and that you want our help working with.

  • Follow-up work meeting

    We set the framework for the job satisfaction efforts

    Follow-up work meeting

    We set the framework for the job satisfaction efforts

    After you have considered the options internally, we hold a new joint work meeting with you where we get more into themes, content, duration, resources and mutual expectations in relation to the collaboration.

  • Process, follow-up and evaluation

    You work concretely with job satisfaction and we evaluate

    Process, follow-up and evaluation

    You work concretely with job satisfaction and we evaluate

    We conduct the agreed activities with you over an agreed period of time. We follow up on the activities along the way and ultimately conduct a joint evaluation of the process in a meeting with you.

In a partnership with a focus on job satisfaction, we help clarify what good job satisfaction means for you, and we help organise efforts targeted to your workplace.

The partnership is mutually binding, and we plan, settle and follow up jointly. Meetings, workshops and initiatives all take place at the workplace and involve delegates, managers and employees.

An example of a theme for a partnership might be: ‘How do we maintain and ensure a high level of job satisfaction in a varied and busy daily life?’

We offer

  • job satisfaction initiatives where we, for example, go out to you and facilitate a dialogue in the management group or give presentations on job satisfaction or dissatisfaction for delegates and managers
  • coaching interviews where a job satisfaction consultant confidentially advises the company’s managers or delegates on job satisfaction and job satisfaction initiatives that you can get started on
  • job satisfaction processes where we support strategic efforts that promote job satisfaction and prevent dissatisfaction and stress in your workplace

We take our starting point on what concerns you, and we help you get started and support the process until we reach the goal.

For example, we can help when

  • you want to work with job satisfaction and thus prevent stress and dissatisfaction
  • a department has challenges with job satisfaction  
  • you experience challenging cooperative relationships
  • you are facing major changes and want to ensure a focus on job satisfaction in the process   

About Finansforbundet’s partnerships

In a partnership, we design initiatives and processes targeted to your company’s needs in collaboration with the individual company. Along the way, we have the role of a sparring partner who is available with resources, knowledge and skills.

Each initiative is done in close dialogue and cooperation with the company’s management and professional representatives. We also involve external partners and consultancy firms when it makes sense.

We offer partnerships in connection with the implementation of various types of organisational changes. For example

  • Job satisfaction
  • Skills development
  • Digital conversion

Want to know more?

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You are welcome to contact Birgit Kjeldsen by email at