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Working life – in it together

The working life is not always a straight road. Various events may cause it to take unexpected turns. When it does, everyone needs to be met with trust, respect and a supporting community.


When your work life
is challenged,
community must show its worth

As a trade union, we have a special obligation, along with our unemployment insurance fund, to lend our trust, respect, and community support when needed.

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When your work life is challenged

Finansforbundet works to ensure that

Everyone is met with....

.....respect and trust Terminated members must be met with respect, so they can transition to a new job, retirement pension or training – not continue being unemployed. Members must also experience a seamless collaboration among employment policy actors.

Possibilities are...

.....presented clearly to members. Members must have a clear overview of their options, for example in relation to unemployment, job changes and training.

Members maintain...

.....presented clearly to members. Members must have optimal opportunities for acquiring the skills necessary to remain relevant and competent throughout their working life.

Get to know the Danish Labour Market Model

Recommendations by Finansforbundet

Future-proofing the Danish Labour Market Model

Apart from having a permanent tripartite institution, a general discussion must take place to address how the parties may future-proof the Danish Labour Market Model for the many changes in the labour market.

Entering into a broad political agreement on employment

After tripartite negotiations, the Danish Government should convene all relevant parties and professional experts in relation to the employment initiative to enable broad cooperation in the creation of a joint and comprehensive model for a new employment initiative.

Keeping the focus on results instead of process requirements

The current employment initiative is to a great extent characterised by process and registration requirements established by law.

Finansforbundet recommends reviewing the law, primarily with the aim of removing process and documentation requirements that deliver neither value nor results. The future focus should prioritise the results achieved, ensuring individuals secure employment or enrol in training, rather than meeting documentation and process requirements.

Implementing a two-track system

Today, the organisation of the employment initiative is characterised by parallel processes in unemployment insurance funds and job centres for those receiving unemployment benefits. We need a simpler system with fewer process requirements; a system where qualifications, knowledge and resources play a much bigger role in meeting the needs of the unemployed.

An unemployment insurance fund track

The unemployment insurance funds should be in charge of their insured members throughout their period of unemployment (24 months).

From 2024, the unemployment insurance funds will be in charge of following up on their insured members in the first three months of unemployment. Finansforbundet finds that the unemployed and society would benefit even more if the unemployment insurance funds were to take charge of the follow-up process throughout the entire period of unemployment.

A municipal track

A new multi-disciplinary unit encompassing the social, health and labour market areas should be established to ensure coherent and comprehensive efforts for individuals who face problems beyond unemployment and focused employment efforts for the remaining job-ready target groups.

Broadening the use of digitalisation

If the unemployment insurance funds are to be fully in charge of their unemployed insured members, they will need considerably more employees and new skills to succeed with this growing task.

Finansforbundet therefore finds that the increase in responsibility should be financially compensated – for example in the form of increased IT support – in order to safeguard the finances and skills of the unemployment insurance funds.

Allowing a broader use of digitalisation and digital services than the case is today would contribute to more trust, methodological flexibility and resource efficiency in the employment initiative.

Finansforbundet finds that it is time to put trust at the heart of the employment initiative and to focus resources on what it is all about – helping the unemployed transition to a job or training programme.

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