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Contested elections for the board! See the names of the nine colleagues candidating at the Annual General Meeting

Five candidates run for the board’s four seats

13. Feb 2023
3 min
English / Dansk

On 24 March at 18-21.30, it is time for Finansforbundet in Nordea’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). During the 3½ hour, the meeting will get far and wide. The Board will tell about the past year and the members will be invited to discuss it and give input on what to focus on in the coming year.

The AGM is also the event where the team that is to represent you in the future is set. Past Thursday was the deadline to candidate. Below you can see who is running for the various positions.

Contested elections for the board

This year, there are contested elections for the board; five candidates run for the four seats. On the other hand, there is uncontested elections to become president – Dorrit Brandt is re-running. Regarding deputies, three candidates run for three seats, but at least one of the candicates will be elected for the board. At the AGM, the members will elect who becomes 1st and 2nd deputy. There are uncontested elections for the positions as auditor and deputy auditor.

All names below are sorted alphabetically by first name.

Candidate for president:

  • Dorrit Brandt (re-running)

Candidates for the board:

  • Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen (re-running)
  • Mette Balck Mejlby (re-running, current vice president)
  • Mona Svan (re-running)
  • Natascha Bødker Feodor Nielsen (new candidate for the board)
  • Pierre Christensen (re-running)

Candidates as deputies:

  • Jeppe Lermark Pieszak (current second deputy)
  • Natascha Bødker Feodor Nielsen (current first deputy, running for the board as well)
  • Pierre Christensen (current board member, running for the board as well)

Candidate as auditor:

  • Jens Kjær (re-running)

Candidate as deputy auditor:

  • Joan Hangaard Pedersen (re-running)

Before the AGM, we will publish presentations of the candidates for the board and deputies.

Read more about the AGM here!

To get the right to vote for the AGM, you must register no later than 9 March at this link.

Finansforbundet in Nordea's current board and deputies after the Annual General Meeting 2022. From left Ole Lund Jensen, Louise Have Lund, Katja Larsen, Pierre Christensen, Mette Balck Mejlby (Vice President), Natascha Bødker Feodor Nielsen (first deputy), Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen, Louise Naur (maternity leave), Mona Svan, Dorrit Brandt (President), Jeppe Lermark Pieszak (second deputy) og Ester Ribas (elected as third deputy but she has later on stopped working in Nordea).

They are elected today

The board members Ole Lund Jensen, Katja Larsen, Louise Have Lund og Louise Naur (on maternity leave) were elected to the board in 2022 for a two-year term and are thus not up for election this year.

The president Dorrit Brandt and the board members Mette Balck Mejlby (Vice President), Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen, Mona Svan and Pierre Christensen were all elected in 2021 and are thus up for election, where they will all stand for re-election.

Deputies are elected for a one-year term. In 2022, Natascha Bødker Feodor Nielsen was elected as first deputy, and this year she runs for the board and as a deputy. Jeppe Lermark Pieszak was elected as second deputy and is re-running as deputy. Ester Ribas was elected as third deputy but she has since stopped working in Nordea

Jens Kjær was elected as auditor in 2021, and he is re-running. Bettina Tuladhar Holmfred was elected in 2022 for a two-year term. Joan Hangaard Pedersen was elected as deputy auditor in 2022 and is re-running this year.

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