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WATCH THE VIDEOS: The courage to be curious and flexibility post-corona

"The only way we can become wiser is by having the courage to listen to those who think differently than ourselves", says board member Mona Svan in her video. In his video, board member Pierre Christensen tells how flexibility took on a completely different meaning after corona.

23. Feb 2023
1 min
English / Dansk

"Are you curious too?" "What does flexibility mean to you?". The questions are asked in the two short videos below, in which two of Finansforbundet in Nordea's board members put the spotlight on different themes.

The videos warm up to Finansforbundet in Nordea Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 March, where you can still register.

You can see the two videos below:

The videos are in Danish and last just under a minute each.

Mona Svan: Hav modet til at være nysgerrig

Bestyrelsesmedlem Mona Svan synes, at vi skal blive klogere og gennem dialog forbinde os med hinanden - det kræver mod og nysgerrighed. Kom med til Finansforbundet i Nordeas generalforsamling 24. marts 2023 for at få udvidet din horisont

Pierre Christensen: Fleksibilitet fik en helt anden betydning efter corona

Bestyrelsesmedlem Pierre Christensen sætter spot på de nye muligheder, den øgede fleksibilitet giver. Finansforbundet i Nordea har også taget fleksibiliteten til sig, så man kan deltage i generalforsamlingen 24. marts 2023 fysisk på hotellet, lokalt med kollegerne eller online hjemmefra

Finansforbundet in Nordea invites to its AGM on Friday 24 March 2023 at 18-21.30. You have the opportunity to participate locally with your colleagues at the work place or from home while the hotel is now fully booked (read this news article). It is also no longer possible to sign up for the planned beer tasting.

In two previous videos, president Dorrit Brandt talks about voices and votes and vice president Mette Balck Mejlby gives a little 'pause push'. Watch them here.

Read more about the possibilities at - and sign up here.

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