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Policy programme

Our mission is to strive to ensure that all members enjoy a meaningful work life. See our six visions!

Mission: We strive to ensure that all members enjoy a meaningful work life

Vision 1: We are the preferred union while you are in the sector

  • We negotiate the agreement for the sector
  • We represent all employees in Nordea
  • We are innovative and trend-setting
  • We generate our results through dialogue and negotiation
  • We support opportunities for a meaningful work life
  • We are the voice of the members at all levels
  • Our community provides strength
  • Each member gets value from their membership
  • We have the courage to stand firm
  • We communicate internally and externally to ensure visibility, information, and opinions

Vision 2: Nordea’s employees are an attractive workforce who can compete for current and future jobs

  • We strive for everyone to have opportunities for skill development
  • We encourage learning, reflection, and education
  • We strive to highlight future needs for skills
  • We want job changes to be guided by personal choices
  • We want to promote greater internal mobility
  • We strive for Nordea to “re-use” and develop employee skills
  • We strive to clarify Nordea’s responsibility – and our own – for education, language, and cultural understanding
  • We stay informed regarding the opportunities and challenges caused by globalisation
  • We advocate for timely implementation of new technology and processes

Vision 3: We have a dynamic community across the Nordea countries

  • Our common Nordic agenda ensures influence
  • The community provides opportunities – we handle the dialogues
  • We have influence wherever decisions are made
  • We obtain knowledge and insight
  • Our close cooperation provides insight and understanding
  • We deal with management on an equal footing at all levels
  • We create value for members and management

Vision 4: Union representatives are Finansforbundet in Nordea’s ambassadors in the organisation

  • All members have a union representative, ensuring that all voices are heard
  • The members’ requests and challenges are elevated through the union representative system
  • Each member receives value and coaching from their local union representative (including Finansforbundet in Nordea and Finansforbundet)
  • Management gets value and coaching from the local union representative
  • We support initiatives that brand the union representative locally
  • All new employees are to meet with a union representative

Vision 5: A balanced work life

  • Members have influence on work-life balance
  • We strive to ensure members’ influence on their own work tasks
  • We strive to ensure a good, flexible framework and conditions throughout one’s work life
  • We strive for positive frameworks and conditions for physical and mental well-being
  • We take the lead and motivate employees to have the courage to set boundaries
  • We strive for a stress-free Nordea

Vision 6: Employees want to work at, and recommend, Nordea

  • We want to work towards on-boarding and off-boarding processes being good experiences
  • We strive to ensure that there is a balance between critical and positive stories
  • We strive for employees to be proud to work at Nordea
  • We put responsibility on management to ensure the values are adhered to
  • We strive to be the best workplace in the sector
  • We strive to increase employee involvement in new processes/tools etc.
  • We demand trustworthy communication – the WHY has to make sense
  • We strive to ensure a culture of trust within Nordea
  • We work to ensure a Nordea that, as a work place, ensures inclusion and diversity, equal opportunities for all, and respect for cultural differences

See and download Finansforbundet in Nordea's policy programme as a layoutet pdf file

Approved 2019, updated May 2020