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Why should you become a member?

We are a trade union for the entire financial sector, and we know what it means to work in a financial company. We offer sector-specific legal advice and assistance with job satisfaction and careers. We also give you the opportunity to strengthen your social and professional networks across the financial sector. The first three months are free.

What does it cost?

DKK 285/month

If you are employed

If you are employed, membership costs DKK 285/month - the first three months are free. You get an automatic tax deduction, so you can deduct the membership fees on your taxes each year.

DKK 170/month

If you are unemployed

If you are unemployed, membership costs DKK 170/month - the first three months are free. You get an automatic tax deduction, so you can deduct the membership fees on your taxes each year.

DKK 70/month

Retired or on maternity/paternity leave

If you are retired or on maternity/paternity leave, membership costs DKK 70/month - the first three months are free.

Price: DKK 0/month

Become a free member throughout your studies if you are studying within the financial sector. Price after graduation: DKK 285/month if you are employed and DKK 170/month if you are unemployed.

Become a member

We work for you

We are stronger together. Dental insurance, more holidays/free days, five paid child sick days and much more. You contribute to our ability to get even better terms at the negotiating table for you and your colleagues in the sector.

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members would recommend us

Do you want your colleague to join too? The more members, the stronger we are.



We are Denmark's largest network for finance and IT professionals.

8 out of 10

are already members

Become a part of a strong professional community and get lots of benefits.

Join Internationals in Finance – Finansforbundet in Denmark

Internationals in Finance connects you and other international employees across the financial sector. It is a network where you will be challenged and inspired, both professionally and personally – and, at the same time, you will have the opportunity to expand your social network.

Join Internationals in Finance

Finansforbundet's unemployment
insurance fund

Get an unemplyment insurance fund that knows the financial area. Finansforbundets unemplyment insurance fund - part of FTFa - has a unique knowledge of your labor market and your job opportunities.

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How can we help you?

Get an introduction to Finansforbundet and hear about everything we can do for you. If you click the link and fill out the form, we will call you as soon as possible.

Let us call you

Get answers to your questions before you sign up

I am a former member – do I get 3 months’ free upon registration?

If you have been a member within the last 6 months, you cannot get the first 3 months free. At least half a year must have passed since you were last a member.

How much does membership cost?

Finansforbundet is one of Denmark’s cheapest unions. These are the prices:

  • If you are employed: DKK 285/month 
  • If you are vacant: DKK 170/month
  • Retired or resting/passive member: DKK 70/month
  • Student: DKK 0/month 

New members who have not been members of Finansforbundet during the past 6 months will receive the first three months free of charge.

Remember also that you can deduct the membership fees in your taxes.

Can I become a member?

You can become a member if you are employed in the financial sector in a company that has a collective agreement with Finansforbundet or if you are a student in an educational programme that is aimed at the financial sector.

Furthermore, you can become a member if you primarily work with economy/finance outside the classic financial area.

Give us a call if you are unsure.

What is the notice period for my membership?
  • The notice period when you are employed is the current month plus 1 month if you change sectors.
  • The notice period is three months if you remain in the financial sector.
  • The notice period when you are vacant is current month plus 1 month.
Can I refer a colleague and be rewarded?

If you are a member and refer a friend or colleague within the sector who then registers with us, we will give you a super gift card of DKK 400 and the new member will receive 3 months’ free membership.

Read more here

What is Finansforbundet’s unemployment insurance fund?

Finansforbundet’s unemployment insurance fund is part of FTFa and an offer for you who work in the financial sector. We offer a comprehensive solution to be able to deliver a complete and relevant counselling experience, where unemployment insurance funds and federations together can support you in all parts of your working life.

Are you consindering a membership?

32 66 13 70

If you have questions about a membership, you are welcome to call or write to us.

We will gladly help by registering you directly over the phone as well.

Yours sincerely