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New presidency to take over after National Congress of Finansforbundet in September

President Kent Petersen and Vice President Michael Budolfsen will not accept renomination at the National Congress of Finansforbundet in September after joint discussions with the Executive Committee on the political leadership of the union going forward

Finansforbundet has a tradition of debating continuity and succession in political leadership, which is why the current presidency and Executive Committee have agreed, well in advance of the September National Congress, that it is time for new faces in top management.

Neither President Kent Petersen nor Vice President Michael Budolfsen, who have together held the presidency for 19 years, will stand again in September.

“I have worked tirelessly since 1993 to create the best possible conditions for employees in the financial sector. It's been an honour and I've loved going to work every single day. It has now been decided that new forces are to take over the reins of Finansforbundet following the upcoming National Congress. A political mandate is always just on loan, and it's healthy to shake the bag every now and then — even though I’m of course going to miss the union and its members terribly,” says Kent Petersen. 

Kent Petersen will remain president until the National Congress in September to ensure a smooth handover of the political presidency. So will Vice President Michael Budolfsen, who is also President of both UNI Europa Finance and Nordic Financial Unions.In order to maintain the trendsetting positions of Finansforbundet in the international arenas, the Executive Committee has asked Michael Budolfsen to take up a position in the secretariat. The reason for doing so is to keep exerting its decisive international influence. This will ultimately benefit the members because of the major impact of European regulation on the financial area. Michael Budolfsen has decided to accept the offer. 

“It's no secret that I'm passionate about international work, which is becoming increasingly important to our members. I believe that, with the chosen solution, we are not only strengthening the international work but also giving way to new perspectives for the political leadership of Finansforbundet. I am pleased that the Executive Committee has given me this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing my work with an affiliation to the secretariat,” says Michael Budolfsen.  

Statement by the Executive Committee of Finansforbundet:  

“Both Kent and Michael have had a huge impact on where Finansforbundet is today. We appear as a modern union with membership growth, a high unionisation rate and great ambitions for the future. We – and Finansforbundet – have a lot to thank Kent and Michael for, and we look forward to doing so at the National Congress in September, where we can say a proper goodbye and thank you. As a unified political leadership, we owe it to our members to look ahead, and in our discussions about succession and renewal, we have jointly reached the conclusion that it is time to welcome a new and fresh team to sit in the vacant seats. We therefore recommend that the National Congress elect Dorrit Groth Brandt as President and Steen Lund Olsen and Jakob Thorgaard as Vice Presidents.”

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