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As a student member, you get several special offers targeted at life as a student. You get access to inexpensive insurance, inspiring events, and coaching on your career opportunities. The membership is free for the entirety of your education.

Membership benefits

Get career coaching during your studies

We help you succeed in your student life and all the way to getting your first full-time job. Our consultants have an in-depth knowledge of the financial sector and know your options - book a free discussion today.

Book interview

Finding a job

Why join?

A student membership gives you a number of special offers tailored to your student life: Denmark's cheapest insurance schemes for students, inspiring events and advice on your career opportunities and more. The membership is free for as long as you study.

Become a member

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Questions about your membership

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Call us or write to us if you would like to know more about what Finansforbundet can do for you.