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How are we going to make ends meet?

1,600. One thousand six hundred. That is the number of jobs that Danske Bank’s executive management expect to discontinue within the next year.

1,600. One thousand six hundred. That is the number of jobs that Danske Bank’s executive management expect to discontinue within the next year. It is indeed an outrageous number. And let us just be realistic: despite voluntary resignations, relocations, hiring freeze, and other measures, we will see the dismissal of colleagues. And we will see a lot of it.

It is neither right nor fair. We are talking about skilled and loyal colleagues! I cannot even comprehend how we would be able to manage without those same people. All of the colleagues I talk to work in a very high tempo in order to make a difference for the bank – I even see many people working overtime on a daily basis. So, what is it that we are supposed to stop doing?

I am very sceptical when it comes to the effect of the organizational changes, automation, and digitalisation management is talking about. However hard I try, I cannot see it being even close to enough within such a short period of time, to make up for the work performed by so many colleagues? I foresee an enormous risk of this decision by management leading to increased workload, more overtime and more stress for my colleagues. It could potentially create a situation where we would be pushed to the point of not being able to deliver the quality we want. In addition, it could create much longer response times for our customers than we as employees can vouch for. Especially, I fear that it will add to the desperation and hopelessness that many employees already struggle with.

We have already been in a dialogue with management and HR, and needless to say we will keep the discussion going. Due to our encouragement, the group will now offer voluntary redundancies. We wished for better terms, however, the package offered is a better alternative to giving notice of termination yourself, if you want to retire or if you are thinking about leaving the bank for other reasons.

In our discussion with the group, we have stood firm on the need to strengthen the internal mobility. Furthermore, we have insisted that retirement and other natural employee turnover should be taken into account in order to minimize the need for layoffs.

Finansforbundet i Danske Bank will now ask all of our members for suggestions they believe may increase the bank’s profit or lower costs. Hopefully we could minimize the need for layoffs even further with this initiative.

The decision is solely taken by management, nevertheless, we will keep working passionately to ensure that the way ahead is as good as possible for all of the bank’s employees.


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