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Contract review

Do you have a new financial job in hand? And would you like to have your employment contract checked before signing? Then our experts can help – we will check it within 24 hours.

Contact Legal Department

32 66 13 30

Call us to get our advice on your employment contract – what should you be aware of, and what can you negotiate?

We can also review your contract before you sign it. Send an e-mail to 

If you are taking up employment with Nykredit, Nordea or Danske Bank, then your contract must be submitted to a local union under Finansforbundet for review.

The lokal union is part of Finansforbundet and the the professional organisation at your workplace. Your inquiry will be treated confidentially.

Finansforbundet Nykreds: og tlf. nr. 44 55 25 00
Finansforbundet i Nordea: og tlf. nr. 55 47 82 00
Finansforbundet i Danske Bank: og tlf. nr. 45 14 01 11