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Apply for Support From Finansforbundet's Centrale Hjælpefond

Finansforbundet's Centrale Hjælpefond (Central Assistance Fund) can provide support if you have fallen into financial problems through no fault of your own.

You can apply for support regardless of whether you are working, were dismissed or resigned from your position.

But you must fulfil the following two requirements before you can apply for support:

  • Your financial problems may be through no fault of your own.
  • You are or have been employed by a company affiliated with the Danish Employers’ Association for the Financial Sector and must have been employed for at least two years within the past five years.

How to apply

You must complete the fund’s application form and send it with any appendices to or by post to Finansforbundet, P.O. Box 1960, DK-1411 Copenhagen K.

Contact us

32 66 14 32

You are welcome to call us Monday to Thursday from 8.30-16.00 and Friday from 8.30-15.00.

You can also send an e-mail to