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Membership Benefits

We are the network for the entirety of the financial sector - 8 out of 10 employees in finance are members. As a member of Finansforbundet you have access to advice and events tailored to the financial sector.

English / Dansk

Rights and salary

Advice on salary

We know the importance of your salary. For that reason, you can get professional advice about wages and pay negotiations, whether you need to discuss your salary at a new job or during your annual review.

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Career and well-being

Finansforbundet's unemployment insurance fund

Join an unemployment insurance fund that knows the financial sector. Finansforbundet’s unemployment insurance fund offers a unique and comprehensive service aimed at financial employees.

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The collective agreement

Insurances and other cash benefits

Attractive insurance offers in Tryg

Insurance for your car, travels or yourself? Get attractive offers and fixed low prices on your insurance with Tryg. Begin by checking your insurance and find out if you can save money or get better coverage.

Check your insurance
TRYG ny - familiebillede/tryghed

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Get three months for free

All new members get the first three months free. This applies to everyone who has not been a member of Finansforbundet in the past 6 months.

Become a member