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Jump the queue for rented accommodation throughout the country

Jump the queue for over one thousand sought-after rental homes in, i.a., Copenhagen and Odense. Check the list to see the rented accommodation you can apply for.

Core Property Management lets out rented accommodation that you can lay first claim on. The rented accommodation is available in all price ranges and you can find both flats and houses to rent.

The rental homes are offered as they become vacant, and Core Property distributes the accommodation on a first-come first-served basis, so remember to check the list of vacant properties.

Where are the rental homes located?

You can find homes in:

  • København S
  • København NV
  • Valby
  • Roskilde
  • Søborg
  • Odense 
  • Frederikssund
  • Kolding

Everything involving the rental happens between you and Core Property. Finansforbundet makes its website available for the presentation of rented accommodation only, and is not otherwise involved in the renting of the properties.

The accommodation is distributed on a first-come first-served basis, so remember to check the list of available rental homes on a regular basis.

What to do

Check the list of available rental homes on a regular basis and send an e-mail to if you find a property you would like to apply for. Remember to state your membership number, as this will give you first claim on the accommodation.

You cannot sign up for a waiting list, as Care Property distributes vacant accommodation on a first-come first-served basis.

Contact Core Property

33 18 84 40

You can also send an email to